Monday, January 16, 2012

Pizza (for the freezer)

Since I'm on a frozen food kick right now I thought I would mention, 
and give instructions for, homemade frozen pizza.

I make a Sams run before I start and pick up their 
10 lb bag of shredded mozzarella cheese and 5 lb bag of pepperoni. 
It's also a great place to get a huge can of tomato sauce if that isnt a pantry staple. 

I make a huge batch of dough, enough for 10 pizzas. I use the dollar stores non disposable round pizza pans. I roll the dough out and bake it until it is just cooked, but still not golden or crisp. I remove, let it cool, and then top with sauce, cheese and pepperoni. 

I freeze it until it is solid, about 4 hours, then remove it from the freezer, lift it off the baking pan,  and wrap it really well in plastic wrap. Return to the freezer where it sits until you are ready to eat it. 

The huge bag of pepperoni is enough for about 20 pizza so feel free to pick up two bags of cheese or freeze the leftover pepperoni until next time.

Bake the pizzas from frozen at 350 for 20 - 30 minutes or until the cheese is melted and the crust is golden. 

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